Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day One: Lifestyle change

So today was day one of my lifestyle change. There is no limit to how many days because i feel like that makes things harder. But i do have certain goals. To update you guys with that i am trying to lose about 30-40 lbs. I am over weight i may not look like it but i am. I have always been a terrible eater. I eat when im sad or angry which is horrible thats probally the main reason for me being overweight. I dont eat well either i eat wayyy to much junk food. so pretty much my lifestyle change is going to be to workout at lease 5 or 6 times a week and starting eating alot healthier.  I want to be eating every 2-3 hours to boost my metabalism as well.

So today i woke up and had a piece of toast before my workout. I did the Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD for about 30 mins. Now the DVD is about 45 mins but i really couldnt handle the whole dvd and i know thats bad and i shouldnt say i cant and i should be giving up but i did ill admit it. After my workout i had a bowl of cereal. (raisin brain cruch) and a glass of ice cold water. About 3 hours later i was hungry so i had a nut and fruit bar which is only 100 calories which is great. About 2 hours after that i was hungry again so i had some yogurt (activia). For dinner i ended up having a salad with barely any dressing a cheeseburger (i know its horrible but im not going to starve myself) and half a stuffed mushroom. MmMm it was yummyy.

Im thinking of something i can do tonight to try and work off that dinner because i hate feeling full. Rawr 0_o

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